Results for 'Juan Manuel Leyva-Moral'

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  1.  36
    Participants’ safety versus confidentiality: A case study of HIV research.Juan Manuel Leyva-Moral & Maria Feijoo-Cid - 2017 - Nursing Ethics 24 (3):376-380.
    Background When conducting qualitative research, participants usually share lots of personal and private information with the researcher. As researchers, we must preserve participants’ identity and confidentiality of the data. Objective To critically analyze an ethical conflict encountered regarding confidentiality when doing qualitative research. Research design Case study. Findings and discussion one of the participants in a study aiming to explain the meaning of living with HIV verbalized his imminent intention to commit suicide because of stigma of other social problems arising (...)
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    Historicidad y temporalidad en El ser y el tiempode M. Heidegger.Juan Manuel del Moral - 2001 - Signos Filosóficos 5:133-141.
    The problem of ontological determination of the historical being, inHeidegger’s words, can´t be developed in the historiografic ground as anhistorical science; further, the right conceptualization of epistemologicalproblems about historiografy, mains depends on a previous resolution of thehistorical..
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    Diferencias internas en la teoría moral de la justicia como acuerdo: Hobbes y Buchanan a propósito de la igualdad.Juan Manuel Pérez Bermejo - 2000 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 24 (1):217.
    Hobbes y Buchanan comparten un mismo método de justificación de principios morales. Sin embargo, adoptan un tratamiento muy diverso del problema de la igualdad. Este desacuerdo explica: a) Las diferentes conclusiones políticas a las que ambos llegan desde un mismo procedimiento. b) Las dificultades insuperables que aquejan a dicho procedimiento.
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    Preaching Peace and War. Savonarola’s Political Theology in the Florentine Republic (1494-1498).Juan Manuel Forte Monge - 2024 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 31 (2):91-107.
    Between 1494 and 1498, Savonarola was involved in a wide range of actions and challenges: exposition of his theological doctrine, reformist activities, moral and political preaching and prophetic announcements. Initially, much of this activity was dominated by a rhetoric of peace, an idea closely linked to the Christian and scholastic tradition. Under the auspices of Savonarola, Florence promulgated the Legge della pace, a law designed to moderate executive power and ensure the reconciliation of citizens. However, the severe Florentine crisis (...)
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    ¿Algo nuevo en la eutanasia?Juan Manuel Alba Bermúdez - 2020 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 54:405-408.
    Recensión de Marco del Cano, Ana María y De la Torre, Javier (coords.). Y de nuevo la eutanasia. Una mirada nacional e internacional. Dykinson, Madrid, 2019, 217 páginas.
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    From Submission to Love: Understanding the Motivations in Romans 13:1-10.Juan Manuel Granados Rojas - 2024 - Isidorianum 33 (2):207-233.
    This paper studies Rom 13:1-10, analyzing the inner connection between Paul’s exhortation to submit to governing authorities and his admonition to love one another. It addresses interpretative and exegetical issues, including possible textual interpolations and the meanings of key terms. The analysis demonstrates that Paul’s argument hinges on the incrementum (αὔξησις) of underlying rationales, moving from general and external incentives to personal and internal motivations. This study highlights that the coherence of the passage relies on understanding both its imperatives and (...)
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    Las condiciones de la creencia y la increencia en la era secular.Juan Manuel Cincunegui - 2014 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 5 (1):75-92.
    El filósofo canadiense Charles Taylor ofreció en A Secular Age una descripción analítica y una genealogía de las actuales condiciones de la creencia y la increencia en las sociedades contemporáneas del Atlántico Norte. Además, anima un conjunto de investigaciones análogas en otros escenarios culturales que se ven afectados por los procesos de modernización. Argumenta acerca de la existencia de ‘modernidades alternativas’ que enfrentan críticamente las comprensiones sociológicas clásicas unívocas respecto al advenimiento de la modernidad, y las teorías de la secularización (...)
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    Recognizing Decision-Making Using Eye Movement: A Case Study With Children.Juan-Carlos Rojas, Javier Marín-Morales, Jose Manuel Ausín Azofra & Manuel Contero - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:570470.
    The use of visual attention for evaluating consumer behavior has become a relevant field in recent years, allowing researchers to understand the decision-making processes beyond classical self-reports. In our research, we focused on using eye-tracking as a method to understand consumer preferences in children. Twenty-eight subjects with ages between seven and twelve years participated in the experiment. Participants were involved in two consecutive phases. The initial phase consisted of the visualization of a set of stimuli for decision-making in an eight-position (...)
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  9. El fracaso de la moral: las conferencias de Cornell.Juan Manuel AragÜ, É, S. EstraguÉ & S. - 2005 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 35:63-74.
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    El neoliberalismo desde la moral social cristiana.Transcribe Juan Manuel Díaz Sánchez - 2001 - Ciencia Tomista 128 (1):137-163.
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  11. La Densidad del Alma.Juan Manuel Díaz-Torres (ed.) - 2007 - Valencia, España: Edicep.
    Dos inquietudes han determinado las palabras que componen la presente obra. La primera es de raigambre filosófica, y se refiere a la necesidad de clamar por la unidad de la persona en un período histórico como el actual caracterizado por profundas escisiones en sus dimensiones constitutivas. La segunda inquietud es de orden pedagógico, dado que la restitución de la persona ha de pasar por una educación interior que, recogiendo la totalidad de las dimensiones de aquélla, puedan verterse al todo social (...)
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  12.  42
    Crítica de la Razón Moderna.Juan Manuel Díaz-Torres (ed.) - 2008 - Valencia, España: Tirant lo Blanch.
    La superación del racionalismo y del relativismo no ha podido gestarse con fecundidad. Posiblemente porque el absolutismo racionalista -que salva la razón a costa de anular la vida- y el relativismo -que salva la vida negando la razón- se han desplazado en una dimensión única que imposibilitaba la insumisión a ese dilema vertebrado por una concepción absolutista de la verdad y que nos constriñe a instalarnos en alguno de sus términos. La constante aparición del nexo entre los problemas antropológicos más (...)
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  13. Tratado de Pensamiento Crítico. Análisis, interpretación y verdad.Juan Manuel Díaz-Torres (ed.) - 2019 - Berlín, Alemania: Editorial Académica Española.
    La presente obra está destinada a estudiar la incidencia de la sistematización y secuenciación procedimental en el desarrollo discente. Propone una mejora cualitativa en la adquisición de conocimientos teóricos y prácticos, así como en la capacitación del pensamiento crítico, del juicio razonado y de la sensibilidad moral en el ámbito de la Teoría de la Educación. Se presenta como un proceso segmentado, es decir, como una progresión o secuencia de pasos que se orienta a una tarea final consistente en (...)
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    ¿Hacia dónde se dirigen los valores? Coloquios del siglo XXI / Bajo la dirección de Jérôme Bindé [Where are values going? 21st century talks, edited by Jérôme Bindé].Juan Manuel Fernández-Cárdenas - 2009 - Journal of Moral Education 38 (4):568-573.
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    Vives, Vitoria y Mariana: Religión y Progreso Social.Jaime Vilarroig Martín, José María Mira de Orduña Y. Gil & Juan Manuel Monfort Prades - 2020 - RAPHISA REVISTA DE ANTROPOLOGÍA Y FILOSOFÍA DE LO SAGRADO 3 (1).
    Se proponen tres ejemplos históricos para mostrar cómo la religión, en la forma del cristianismo católico, ha promovido el avance de la filosofía moral o la filosofía social. Frente a posiciones que entienden que la religión tiene como función principal la conservación del status quo de una sociedad en particular (Marx o Durkheim) estos casos notables muestran que más bien es al contrario: las motivaciones religiosas han provocado cambios en la forma de pensar que inevitablemente implican cambios en el (...)
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    The influence of Genetics in Contemporary Thinking.Anne Fagot-Largeault, Shahid Rahman & Juan Manuel Torres (eds.) - 2007 - Springer.
    This volume reflects on the effects of recent discoveries in genetics on a broad range of scientific fields. In addition to neuroscience, evolutionary biology, anthropology and medicine, contributors analyze the effects of genetics on theories of health, law, epistemology and philosophy of biology. Social and moral concerns about the relationship between genetics, society and the individual also figure prominently. Genetic discoveries fuel central contemporary public policy debates concerning, for example, human cloning, equitable access to healthcare or the role of (...)
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  17. Stress, Coping, and Resilience Before and After COVID-19: A Predictive Model Based on Artificial Intelligence in the University Environment.Francisco Manuel Morales-Rodríguez, Juan Pedro Martínez-Ramón, Inmaculada Méndez & Cecilia Ruiz-Esteban - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The COVID-19 global health emergency has greatly impacted the educational field. Faced with unprecedented stress situations, professors, students, and families have employed various coping and resilience strategies throughout the confinement period. High and persistent stress levels are associated with other pathologies; hence, their detection and prevention are needed. Consequently, this study aimed to design a predictive model of stress in the educational field based on artificial intelligence that included certain sociodemographic variables, coping strategies, and resilience capacity, and to study the (...)
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  18. Propuesta para optimizar la evaluación, seguimiento Y control a Los actos administrativos, en el uso Y aprovechamiento de recursos naturales.Morales Pinzon Tito, Florez Calder N. Manuel Tiberio & David Cespedes Restrepo Juan - 2011 - Scientia et Technica 17.
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    Self-Esteem at University: Proposal of an Artificial Neural Network Based on Resilience, Stress, and Sociodemographic Variables.Juan Pedro Martínez-Ramón, Francisco Manuel Morales-Rodríguez, Cecilia Ruiz-Esteban & Inmaculada Méndez - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Artificial intelligence is a useful predictive tool for a wide variety of fields of knowledge. Despite this, the educational field is still an environment that lacks a variety of studies that use this type of predictive tools. In parallel, it is postulated that the levels of self-esteem in the university environment may be related to the strategies implemented to solve problems. For these reasons, the aim of this study was to analyze the levels of self-esteem presented by teaching staff and (...)
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    Justice, Deontology and Moral Meaningfulness as Factors to Improve Student Performance and Academic Achievement.Manuel Soto-Pérez, Jose-Enrique Ávila-Palet & Juan E. Núñez-Ríos - 2022 - Journal of Academic Ethics 20 (3):375-397.
    The relationship between ethics and performance has previously been addressed in the literature, although there are still some gaps, for example, the relationship of ethical ideologies to student performance. This work aims to contribute to the literature with a statistical evaluation using partial least squares path modelling (PLS-PM) regarding whether university students’ ethical ideologies and moral meaningfulness influence their level of student performance and academic achievement. Results indicate that the ideologies of justice and deontology increase moral meaningfulness, (...) meaningfulness in turn increase student’s citizenship behaviours and student’s in-role performance, and finally, student’s in-role performance positively influences academic achievement. This research provides resources applicable to the fields of pedagogy and ethics to encourage performance during the study and highlight the value of the ideologies of justice and deontology. (shrink)
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    “Todo culo caga Mierda pura”. La reivindicación de los excrementos en la Canción cantable de Juan Manuel García Tejada.Guillermo Molina Morales - 2017 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 27 (1):139-151.
    El proceso de la civilización conlleva la domesticación de las funciones naturales, en especial de las excrementicias, y la exclusión del lenguaje que sirve para nombrarlas. Cuando la élite ilustrada está logrando estos objetivos, surge la Canción cantable de García Tejada, largo poema en torno a los excrementos. Con base en tres teóricos, nos proponemos estudiar las dos dimensiones de la risa en esta obra. Por un lado, la cara crítica, que parodia y desmitifica los discursos serios de la época (...)
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    Garrido, Juan Manuel. El imperativo de la humanidad. La fundamentación estética de los derechos en Kant. Santiago de Chile: Orjikh Editores, 2012. 91 pp. [REVIEW]María Juliana Rojas Berrío & Duarte Pardo - 2013 - Ideas Y Valores 62 (S1):205-210.
    En los círculos ortodoxos kantianos suelen disculparse las incoherencias del maestro diciendo que era un "hijo de su tiempo". Ciertamente, en su época aún se excluía en toda Europa a las mujeres de la ciudadanía activa, privándolas de ser sujetos políticos y, con ello, sujetos éticos, de derecho, e incluso, históricos. Pero también es verdad que en ese momento está emergiendo un movimiento en defensa de la igualdad de género (querelle des femmes), en el que lamentablemente Kant no participa. En (...)
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    La «jerarquía de verdades» en la Teología moral.José Manuel Caamaño López - 2019 - Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación E Información Filosófica 75 (283 S.Esp):435-451.
    El papa Francisco, por primera vez, extiende la jerarquía de verdades al ámbito propiamente moral de la Iglesia católica. Pero ciertamente también a semejante afirmación cabe introducirle un matiz, porque, de hecho, ya con anterioridad, el Magisterio había señalado una gradación de verdades, aunque lo había hecho en relación a la autoridad de la Iglesia y a la infalibilidad del Papa, tanto en formulaciones de fe como de costumbres. A este respecto son de interés tanto la «Professio fidei» y (...)
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  24. Who is afraid of black box algorithms? On the epistemological and ethical basis of trust in medical AI.Juan Manuel Durán & Karin Rolanda Jongsma - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (5):medethics - 2020-106820.
    The use of black box algorithms in medicine has raised scholarly concerns due to their opaqueness and lack of trustworthiness. Concerns about potential bias, accountability and responsibility, patient autonomy and compromised trust transpire with black box algorithms. These worries connect epistemic concerns with normative issues. In this paper, we outline that black box algorithms are less problematic for epistemic reasons than many scholars seem to believe. By outlining that more transparency in algorithms is not always necessary, and by explaining that (...)
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  25. Computer Simulations in Science and Engineering. Concept, Practices, Perspectives.Juan Manuel Durán - 2018 - Springer.
    This book addresses key conceptual issues relating to the modern scientific and engineering use of computer simulations. It analyses a broad set of questions, from the nature of computer simulations to their epistemological power, including the many scientific, social and ethics implications of using computer simulations. The book is written in an easily accessible narrative, one that weaves together philosophical questions and scientific technicalities. It will thus appeal equally to all academic scientists, engineers, and researchers in industry interested in questions (...)
  26. Varying the Explanatory Span: Scientific Explanation for Computer Simulations.Juan Manuel Durán - 2017 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 31 (1):27-45.
    This article aims to develop a new account of scientific explanation for computer simulations. To this end, two questions are answered: what is the explanatory relation for computer simulations? And what kind of epistemic gain should be expected? For several reasons tailored to the benefits and needs of computer simulations, these questions are better answered within the unificationist model of scientific explanation. Unlike previous efforts in the literature, I submit that the explanatory relation is between the simulation model and the (...)
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    Coenhabiting Interpersonal Inter-Identities in Recurrent Social Interaction.Juan Manuel Loaiza & Mark M. James - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    We propose a view of identity beyond the individual in what we call interpersonal interidentities (IIIs). Within this approach, IIIs comprise collections of entangled stabilities that emerge in recurrent social interaction and manifest for those who instantiate them as relatively invariant though ever-evolving patterns of being (or more accurately, becoming) together. Herein, we consider the processes responsible for the emergence of these IIIs from the perspective of an enactive cognitive science. Our proposal hinges primarily on the development of two related (...)
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  28. The Just Price: Three Insights from the Salamanca School.Juan Manuel Elegido - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 90 (1):29-46.
    In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, members of the Salamanca School engaged in a sustained and sophisticated discussion of the issue of just prices. This article uses their contribution as a point of departure for a consideration of justice in pricing which will be relevant to current-day circumstances. The key theses of members of this school were that fairness of exchanges should be assessed objectively, that the fair price of an article is one equal to its ‘value’, and that the (...)
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  29.  38
    Response to our reviewers.Juan Manuel Durán & Karin Rolanda Jongsma - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (7):514-514.
    We would like to thank the authors of the commentaries for their critical appraisal of our feature article, Who is afraid of black box algorithms?1 Their comments, suggestions and concerns are various, and we are glad that our article contributes to the academic debate about the ethical and epistemic conditions for medical Explanatory AI. We would like to bring to attention a few issues that are common worries across reviewers. Most prominently are the merits of computational reliabilism —in particular, when (...)
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  30.  46
    Trust and Trustworthiness in AI.Juan Manuel Durán & Giorgia Pozzi - 2025 - Philosophy and Technology 38 (1):1-31.
    Achieving trustworthy AI is increasingly considered an essential desideratum to integrate AI systems into sensitive societal fields, such as criminal justice, finance, medicine, and healthcare, among others. For this reason, it is important to spell out clearly its characteristics, merits, and shortcomings. This article is the first survey in the specialized literature that maps out the philosophical landscape surrounding trust and trustworthiness in AI. To achieve our goals, we proceed as follows. We start by discussing philosophical positions on trust and (...)
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  31. Beyond transparency: computational reliabilism as an externalist epistemology of algorithms.Juan Manuel Duran - 2024
    Abstract This chapter is interested in the epistemology of algorithms. As I intend to approach the topic, this is an issue about epistemic justification. Current approaches to justification emphasize the transparency of algorithms, which entails elucidating their internal mechanisms –such as functions and variables– and demonstrating how (or that) these produce outputs. Thus, the mode of justification through transparency is contingent on what can be shown about the algorithm and, in this sense, is internal to the algorithm. In contrast, I (...)
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    A Logic for Dually Hemimorphic Semi-Heyting Algebras and its Axiomatic Extensions.Juan Manuel Cornejo & Hanamantagouda P. Sankappanavar - 2022 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 51 (4):555-645.
    The variety \(\mathbb{DHMSH}\) of dually hemimorphic semi-Heyting algebras was introduced in 2011 by the second author as an expansion of semi-Heyting algebras by a dual hemimorphism. In this paper, we focus on the variety \(\mathbb{DHMSH}\) from a logical point of view. The paper presents an extensive investigation of the logic corresponding to the variety of dually hemimorphic semi-Heyting algebras and of its axiomatic extensions, along with an equally extensive universal algebraic study of their corresponding algebraic semantics. Firstly, we present a (...)
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  33.  96
    From understanding to justifying: Computational reliabilism for AI-based forensic evidence evaluation.Juan Manuel Durán, David van der Vloed, Arnout Ruifrok & Rolf J. F. Ypma - 2024 - Forensic Science International: Synergy 9.
    Techniques from artificial intelligence (AI) can be used in forensic evidence evaluation and are currently applied in biometric fields. However, it is generally not possible to fully understand how and why these algorithms reach their conclusions. Whether and how we should include such ‘black box’ algorithms in this crucial part of the criminal law system is an open question that has not only scientific but also ethical, legal, and philosophical angles. Ideally, the question should be debated by people with diverse (...)
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    Semi-intuitionistic Logic.Juan Manuel Cornejo - 2011 - Studia Logica 98 (1-2):9-25.
    The purpose of this paper is to define a new logic $${\mathcal {SI}}$$ called semi-intuitionistic logic such that the semi-Heyting algebras introduced in [ 4 ] by Sankappanavar are the semantics for $${\mathcal {SI}}$$ . Besides, the intuitionistic logic will be an axiomatic extension of $${\mathcal {SI}}$$.
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    Semi-intuitionistic Logic with Strong Negation.Juan Manuel Cornejo & Ignacio Viglizzo - 2018 - Studia Logica 106 (2):281-293.
    Motivated by the definition of semi-Nelson algebras, a propositional calculus called semi-intuitionistic logic with strong negation is introduced and proved to be complete with respect to that class of algebras. An axiomatic extension is proved to have as algebraic semantics the class of Nelson algebras.
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  36.  43
    Pragmatismo, método y educación.Juan Manuel Saharrea & Claudio Marcelo Viale - 2021 - Análisis Filosófico 41 (2):197-229.
    En este artículo analizamos la crítica que Richard Rorty hace de la apelación al “método experimental” por parte de John Dewey. Defendemos que la categórica desestimación que Rorty presenta del vínculo entre el pragmatismo de Dewey y su concepción de método hubiera sido o bien matizada, o bien radicalmente diferente, de haber considerado seriamente la importancia que la reflexión sobre la educación tenía para el filósofo de Vermont. Nuestra estrategia interpretativa se apoya en la recuperación que Henry Cowles hace recientemente (...)
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  37.  18
    Reconstrucción teórico-conjuntista de la Teoría Pictórica del Tractatus de Wittgenstein.Juan Manuel Jaramillo - 2023 - Praxis Filosófica 56:247-272.
    En este escrito me propongo presentar una reconstrucción à la Suppes de la Teoría pictórica, representacional o figurativa del lenguaje propuesta por L. Wittgenstein en el Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus para mostrar los límites del pensamiento, o más precisamente del lenguaje como expresión sensible del pensamiento, sobre el presupuesto de la existencia no explícita por parte de su autor de un isomorfismo entre la estructura del lenguaje, como expresión sensible del pensamiento, y la del mundo; de suerte que, para que el lenguaje (...)
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  38. Tiempos heróicos: Manuel Cruz, Las malas pasadas del pasado (Identidad, responsabilidad, historia). Barcelona, Anagrama, 2005. XXXIII Premio Anagrama de Ensayo.Juan Manuel Checa - 2006 - Astrolabio 2:75-78.
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    On Time, Being, and Hunger: Challenging the Traditional Way of Thinking Life.Juan Manuel Garrido - 2022 - Fordham University Press.
    The traditional way of understanding life, as a self-appropriating and self-organizing process of not ceasing to exist, of taking care of one's own hunger, is challenged by today's unprecedented proliferation of discourses and techniques concerning the living being. This challenge entails questioning the fundamental concepts of metaphysical thinking--namely, time, finality, and, above all, being. Garrido argues that today we are in a position to repeat Nietzsche's assertion that there is no other representation of "being" than that of "living." But in (...)
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    Personalism and metaphysics: is personalism a first philosophy?Juan Manuel Burgos - 2023 - Wilmington, Delaware, United States: Vernon Press. Edited by Benjamin Wilkinson.
    Juan Manuel Burgos presents his own version of personalism, which is nevertheless well rooted in the personalist tradition. He has been developing his project for years and is among a group of world-renowned personalists who study the complexity and mystery of the human person. His new book deals with the relationship between personalism and metaphysics. He poses the question of whether personalism can be considered a first philosophy. The answer is positive: it is indeed a sectorial first philosophy, (...)
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    El concepto de agencement en El anti-Edipo.Juan Manuel Spinelli - 2022 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 13:259-296.
    En este artículo, procederemos a examinar el concepto de agencement en El anti-Edipo. Probamos que su uso inicial se registra, efectivamente, en el primer tomo de Capitalismo y esquizofrenia. Analizamos las nueve apariciones del concepto en dicho marco y demostramos que se halla, al menos en principio, estrechamente ligado al concepto de máquina (deseante). A la vez, sentamos la hipótesis de que este último no es sustituido por el primero (equívoco suscitado por el propio Deleuze) sino que, tras haber coexistido (...)
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    El giro pragmatista: Introducción a “Las implicancias del pragmatismo para la educación”.Juan Manuel Saharrea, Fabio Campeotto & Claudio M. Viale - 2022 - Tópicos 43:306-331.
    El propósito del presente trabajo es ofrecer una contextualización de “Las implicancias del pragmatismo para la educación”, que traducimos en este número de la revista. El artículo está compuesto de tres partes que John Dewey escribe en diciembre de 1908, febrero y marzo de 1909. Nuestra hipótesis interpretativa es que este texto es fundamental en dos sentidos: en primer lugar, para entender los lazos de Dewey con la tradición pragmatista; en segundo lugar, para comprender su conceptualización del vínculo entre pragmatismo (...)
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    Through and Beyond the Transindividual.Juan Manuel Heredia & Pablo Esteban Rodríguez - 2019 - Philosophy Today 63 (3):673-686.
    The article develops the different meanings of the Simondonian idea of the transindividual, reconstructs the different interpretations that have been made about it, and considers its potentiality to think contemporary phenomena. For this, first, it points out the uses of the term transindividual before Simondon’s conceptualization of it. Second, it analyzes the definitions of the concept that appear in his doctoral theses of 1958 and distinguishes his different senses. Third, it reconstructs the contemporary debate about the transindividual and defines three (...)
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    El Concilio III de Toledo: Aspectos litúrgicos.Juan Manuel Sierra López - 2022 - Isidorianum 31 (2):159-182.
    El Concilio III de Toledo, celebrado en mayo del año 589 a instancias del rey Recaredo, constituye un acontecimiento excepcional para la historia de España y para la historia de la Iglesia. La liturgia ocupa un lugar de gran importancia en este Concilio, pues en ella se recoge y se expresa la fe. Al mismo tiempo, la liturgia sirve para alimentar la fe, como se ve en la introducción del rezo del Credo en la celebración de la Misa, prescrito por (...)
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  45.  11
    El aprendizaje fuera de lugar como una crítica pragmatista de las ciencias cognitivas.Juan Manuel Saharrea - 2022 - Sophia. Colección de Filosofía de la Educación 32:245-273.
    El vínculo entre ciencias cognitivas y filosofía es fructífero y diverso. Sin embargo, son pocas las tentativas filosóficas que examinan el concepto de aprendizaje en su relación con aplicaciones para el campo educativo. El pragmatismo filosófico ofrece un marco teórico sustentable para efectuar esta tarea. Este estudio se plantea como una aproximación al concepto de aprendizaje desde el pragmatismo contemporáneo de Robert Brandom (1994, 2001). Concretamente, analiza este concepto como una instancia de la idea de ‘prácticas sociales’, a partir de (...)
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    Personalist anthropology: a philosophical guide to life.Juan Manuel Burgos - 2021 - Wilmington, DE: Vernon Press. Edited by Benjamin Wilkinson & James Beauregard.
    Philosophical personalism has generated a very powerful field of study in the twentieth and twenty first centuries but has not produced a systematic exposition. This book fills this big gap by offering for the first time a full systematic personalistic vision of the human person. This ambitious volume offers a pedagogical and integrated exposition of philosophical personalism, answering vital questions about human identity and existence in a way that the reader can achieve an integrated view of the person. The book (...)
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  47. El padre Cámara y la iglesia parroquial de San Juan de Sahagún de Salamanca.Juan Manuel Sánchez Gómez - 2004 - Ciudad de Dios 217 (3):1209-1224.
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  48. "Al principio era el vervo...". Comentario de Santo Tomás de Aquino al prólogo del Evangelio de San Juan.Manuel Angel Martínez Juan - 2012 - Ciencia Tomista 139 (448):317-350.
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  49. La originalidad de la eclesiología de Juan González-Arintero, O.P.Manuel Angel Martínez Juan - 2013 - Salmanticensis 60 (2):331.
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  50. La verdadera evolución de la Iglesia segúna Juan González-Arintero.Manuel Angel Rodriguez Juan - 2010 - Ciencia Tomista 137 (441):107-138.
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